Are We Fixing the Problem?
How many medications are you taking? Do you need all of them? If there was a way to fix a medical issue without medication, would you be...

Heart Disease and Testosterone: Just the Facts
Growing up, I had a brother 2 years younger than me. We fought every now and then, and for excellent reasons, like unequal candy...

An Argument for Exercise at Any Age
Are you too old to start exercising? Let’s face it. The odds seem to be stacked against us. We have kids to get to after-school...

Four Ways to Recognize Healthy Friendships
We all have friends. That’s a safe assumption. If you don’t, then read last week’s article to see why you need them! Here’s the thing,...

The Importance of Friendships on Health
My family and I recently traveled to Texas. My oldest son was slated to play in the Southwest Regional for the Little League World...

The Benefits of Better Sleep
Kids never want to go to sleep. Or at least mine don’t. When they were younger especially, I would tell them, ‘I wish someone would...

Important Hormones for Your Health
OK, today I want to talk about hormones – which ones are important and why. Hormones have just as much impact on your health as the...

Exercise – The Real Fountain of Youth
Remember the shock you felt when your grandmother pulled out her dentures for the first time in front of you? That kind of full body...

Four Big Areas That Affect Your Health
My dad had a triple bypass when I was a first-year medical student, or M1 as we call it. I remember the months leading up to the day. ...